maandag 13 augustus 2007


The behaviour of people is sometimes a strange puzzle, a theaterplay most of the time. Where does it come from?

Most people let their mind being abused by others who wants things to be done from them for their own purpose. There always comes a time when it's enough, at that moment you'll make up your own mind.

You may even start to analyze your behaviours which ran unconsciously before your transformation.

Most behaviours are learned from the moment you were born , copying from others and growing 'normal' on you ,a lot without discrimination to your ego mind.

And so you have to come face to face to those behaviours that you want to change, there is no other way to get a handle on this ,ignoring it makes it come at you harder every time.

Just knowing it's there isn't enough ,for it is still there , you have to make an effort in analyzing it, replacing it with a behaviour that is of the highest level for your well being, making it a positive one so not only others benefit from it but you ,yourself the most.

Some behaviour of people are so downright ugly , it makes their environment truly a hell on earth. It destroys things and people ,it diminshes all light in their surrounding.

Like atracts like, it goes for the 'bad' and the 'good' ,but nothing replaces love,nothing replaces life and nothing replaces spirit, those energies go on forever.

Those energies may be contained for a while , but no one can ever hold it , it is like water ,soft but very powerfull , even a drop contains a tremendous power and it can take on many forms while still be the same.

We have one thing that is to our advantage in our behaviour and that is our own mind, we can reprogram ourselves with the mind to get a hold on our behaviour.

Behaviour is as tangible to the mind as is your computer for your physical body. The approach is just different, it is on the level of mind.
Just be aware of certain behaviours you want to change,take a short moment of contemplation when something arises that you want deal with, then think about how you want to react instead, see it in your minds eye and try to act out your ideal situation.

A better world starts at your own world and we have the most powerfull tools available, our mind and spirit.

now let's go

2 opmerkingen:

Stuart Wild zei

Coach Marchal,

Change becomes visible towards yourself when you admit the need for change. The reason people have difficulties implementing change relates to the envirement as well your old " friends". People do not like to have a look in the mirror.

Truth is a sharp knive and those having the intention living it should be able to be alone. Even truth has a price label.


Stu zei

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Training the heart! An “eye of the heart” with a much clearer vision will undoubtedly leads to a better result.

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