dinsdag 31 juli 2007

Reality and madness

Ever really wondered what reality consists about. What is reality really ,but the agreement of our mind that things are the way things are?!

I have a saying ; 'reality is madness ,until you get yourself together' . Reality is what we make of it in this matrix, but most of reality is what we have 'learned' by others what reality is supposed to be and look like. You can question everything because reality is personal, we just agreed to a lot of things in consent with others , how this place should behave and look like.

Everything that we see,hear,touch etc. , contains a sea of information, it takes on form on the moment we are aware of that very thing, strange as it sounds. It is like this ; when a tree falls in the forest and nobody's there to witness it , does it make a sound? .....

We create reality moment by moment with our consciousness on more then one level, like an ice-berg most of our consciousness goes unnoticed by our so called ego- day to day awarenness.
Lot's of things are invisible for us even in our daily affairs, all up to the things under our very nose.

But the obvious of the things invisible are , all sorts of light rays, radio waves, thoughts, really high or low sounds all the way up to the biggest part of the universe.

Ofcourse we make good use of boundaries so we can make discernments of our environment. This is a table , that is a chair, there is the car , you read this on a computer screen , etc.

In actuallity we really live in a sea of energy and consciousness, with our minds we create every item we can imagine and what else we can agree upon. So the only thing certain is in our own minds and even that is interchangable.

to be continued .......

maandag 30 juli 2007

The trick behind The law of attraction

Sometimes it's funny how things work , especially how the things come about that you can't see ,how it all works, only that you know it works.

It is THE topic in the documentary movie 'The Secret' , though it looks it is all about commerciallism , the law of attraction works on everything .

It's the power we have and use in our selves, it's called the mind. The focus of attracting things towards us depends on what we want ,desire and think , even the things you think about that you don't want is being attracted .
It is because the thing that you don't want has already a focal point in your mind and so it is in your energy, the only simple thing you have to do to change that is just to focus on the things you really do want. Use your intention for just that ; the things ,events, people, places you do want. period.

The funny thing is ,I speak from experience now while in the past I read all the books about it.
There is always room for improvement though, my life is still in the works on that , my point here is ,there is a difference between reading about this stuff and living it.
you have to feel it and live in the understanding that it's allright to feel abundant in whatever you want and that it will always turn out right for you.

Creation in our lives is about feeling , feeling the things you want , feeling what you want to be, feeling what is true for you. This is the trick simplified, about the law of attraction.

Ever expanding in spirit :-)

maandag 23 juli 2007

The Inner Light

The inner light , the biggest universe within is where our power, our life springs from.
It is unmeasurable, in lack of better words we call it inner light, though it is much, much more. We all have an inner knowing and are aware on one or other level that we posses this inner light , for a lot of people it's still not on a consciouss level but more and more people are waking up to this.

We can outgrow our old karma of seperateness and a cold lonely heart, we just have to wake up to our inner light to make it work . Feel it , know it. It is there already and doesn't go anywhere, it is everywhere.

Everything starts from it and grows from it , what we do with it is up to us. We might as well make good use of it in order to benefit from it to reach our biggest potential.

Growing bigger and bigger in spirit :-)