donderdag 6 september 2007

Weirdness of life

How weird sometimes life can be ,although it depends how you define weird.

It is kind of a personal aspect to how much you are conscious of your own view of weirdness and what you are used to and have experienced.
In essence everything and everyone is 'weird', weird compared to pure logic. How everything came about is actually quite a 'mystery' ,even more how everything works and for organic life ,how everything animates sheer through the use of food, oxygen and water.
And when you think about where that food is coming from or what water and oxygen really is and how these things suppose to be animating us , that will raise some questions.

Something scientists boggle their minds over for dozens of decades already, the thing is you can't solve this thing through pure logic. It has to do with energy , energies that are and work on multiple levels and nothing you can measure from A to B nor time.
The new quantum mechanics comes closest as a science to discover how things fit and work.
They discovered there is in reality a sea of potential, nothing concrete. How weird is that , actually nothing new to the seers and shamans of the old days, those people knew and still know to this day that anyting is a world on its own full of potential.

Consciousness gives any given something a form and purpose and that can be as weird as having a nose about 2 meters long or strange formed hairs that can make you soar through the sky, or breathing under water.
We as humans have some peculiar traits too if you think about it, we have build worlds within worlds that bulges with rules and regulations to keep it all together and ticking along.

How weird is that ??! :-)

Safe journey

1 opmerking:

ribot zei

What's weird really anyway? Just noticed your comment in my blog. Dunno if it was new. You seem like an interesting person. I was thinking about that quantum mechanics yesterday:

Science apparently is trying to describe the world as a totally extroverted expression of objectivity. This gets only as far as to quantum mechanics, where things no longer are extroverted. They are introverted, dependent on the mind.

In fact I was thinking about imagination, that whatever we do, and no matter how extrovertial our descriptions are, there is always imagination there that comes from the human being. We get ideas about whatever, and from those ideas we try to prove or test things that we later render as knowledge.

Seems pretty darn clear that reality is created both externally and internally, and that every object or concept is both partly imagined and partly perceived.

Anyway, hope you are inspired.

- Ramanuja