maandag 23 juli 2007

The Inner Light

The inner light , the biggest universe within is where our power, our life springs from.
It is unmeasurable, in lack of better words we call it inner light, though it is much, much more. We all have an inner knowing and are aware on one or other level that we posses this inner light , for a lot of people it's still not on a consciouss level but more and more people are waking up to this.

We can outgrow our old karma of seperateness and a cold lonely heart, we just have to wake up to our inner light to make it work . Feel it , know it. It is there already and doesn't go anywhere, it is everywhere.

Everything starts from it and grows from it , what we do with it is up to us. We might as well make good use of it in order to benefit from it to reach our biggest potential.

Growing bigger and bigger in spirit :-)

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